iSCSI/ZFS strangeness

Philip Murray pmurray at
Thu Oct 29 02:33:21 UTC 2015

> On 29/10/2015, at 2:57 PM, Michael W. Lucas <mwlucas at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm experimenting with iSCSI HA with FreeBSD 10.2 amd64. I know people
> do this sort of thing, but I can't figure out what I'm missing. (Most
> of the tutorials cover HAST instead). I suspect the real problem is
> "Lucas doesn't know the right search terms."
> The goal is to make an iSCSI-based ZFS pool that's available to two
> separate hosts, and remains available even if one of the iSCSI servers
> fails. Instead, the pool hangs when either of the iSCSI servers goes
> down.

I’m no expert and have never used iSCSI and FreeBSD before, but I think you might 
want to look at the kern.iscsi.fail_on_disconnection sysctl.

man 4 iscsi

That means the devices will fail instead of hang, and ZFS might decide to mark those 
devices as faulted instead of waiting for them to respond.



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