LibCURL in Kernel

Mateusz Guzik mjguzik at
Thu Oct 1 16:55:50 UTC 2015

On Thu, Oct 01, 2015 at 09:59:26PM +0530, Rakshith Venkatesh wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to know if there is any library which does the job of libCURL in
> FreeBSD kernel. I know libCURL is a user-space library but was looking for
> something similar in kernel. Porting is one option but i think it surely
> will not be a straight forward thing.
> Any leads on the above query would be great!

Well, libcurl provides a lot of features. I'm not aware of anything looking
even like a simple http client even for Linux and I doubt someone
created anything like it.

The real question is why would you need such a feature. Handling it
entirely in the kernel, while of course possible, likely has 0 benefits
in your case.

If you are not going to have a real root filesystem you can still fit a
small http client on mdroot and use that.

Mateusz Guzik <mjguzik>

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