donation of old laptop for pNFS server development

Rick Macklem rmacklem at
Sat Nov 21 22:10:54 UTC 2015


I hope to do some work (no guarantee w.r.t. timing or results) on using
GlusterFS to support a NFSv4.1 pNFS server cluster for FreeBSD.
Since I'll be spending the winter "on the road", all I can take with me
are laptops. Before you think the request is "extravagant", read what I
don't need (after the "what I do need").

What I need:
- laptop that runs FreeBSD/amd64 (don't care how fast or how many cores,
  it just has to be amd64, since that is the only arch that the GlusterFS
  port builds on)
  - keyboard/screen as console
  - working wired ethernet port
  - some way of installing FreeBSD (CD-reader, USB port that boots a thumb driver or ??)

What I don't need:
- good battery (I don't care so long as it works plugged into a power brick)
- suspend/resume, X-windows, wifi, sound (couldn't care less if any of these work)

If you happen to have one of these lying around with a bad battery or ??? and
are willing to donate it to me for this work, just email.
(I'm in Canada, so parcel post is probably the way you could get it to me.)

Thanks, rick

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