ZFS Deadlock?

Michelle Sullivan michelle at sorbs.net
Sat Mar 7 11:52:09 UTC 2015

Steven Hartland wrote:
> On 07/03/2015 11:25, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
>> Steven Hartland wrote:
>>> On 07/03/2015 10:35, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
>>>> Steven Hartland wrote:
>>>>> There are lots of fixes for ZFS issues in 10 so I'd recommend updated
>>>>> to 10.1-RELEASE to see if you issue is already resolved there.
>>>> Question is will the fixes be applied to 9.4?  Will there be a 9.4?
>>> Unlikely I now any changes I've been doing I've only been MFC'ing to
>>> 10 not 9 or 8.
>> I wouldn't expect 8 being that it's already at 8.4 therefore no more
>> releases just patches...  but are we not getting a 9.4?  Should not the
>> known issues that have been addresses have their fixes integrated?
> I couldn't comment on if there will be a 9.4, even if there is I
> wouldn't expect all the fixes that are in 10 to be present if I'm
> honest, the team only has so much time so prioritising the latest
> releases is just something that's going to have to happen.
> We're already had 10 and now 10.1 I'd say its time to upgrade ;-)

Unfortunately 10.x is out of the question at the moment, and is likely
to be for sometime.   I guess we need a statement on 9.4 as there are
many of us waiting for it as possibly our last FreeBSD release.

Michelle Sullivan

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