Migrating ZFS from 8.3 to 10.1

Steven Hartland killing at multiplay.co.uk
Fri Apr 10 23:07:42 UTC 2015

We did moved from 8.3 -> 10.1 had to go via 10.0 as we did a in place 
source upgrade but had no issues.

10.x has block size validation which 8.3 so if your disks are 4k sectors 
and you didn't manually configure this on install you may end up with 
pools complaining about this, but that will just mean reduced 
performance (something you had already).

Yes once your happy 10.1 is working fine you should upgrade your pools 
to get all the new features which are well worth having.


On 10/04/2015 22:43, javocado wrote:
> Hello,
> I am planning to migrate (upgrade) my system from FreeBSD 8.3 RELEASE to
> 10.1 RELEASE (both amd64). My zfs pool exists on it's own physical
> device(s) so my upgrade will consist of:
> 1. install FreeBSD 10.1 on boot device (in a temp system)
> 2. remove 8.3 boot device (from production system)
> 3. install new 10.1 boot device and boot up production system
> 4. re-mount zfs FS
> My question is, what do I need to know about how this change will affect or
> impact the zpool and datasets? Is there any chance zfs data could be lost
> or destroyed? Might there be a performance loss due to version differences?
> Is upgrading the zpool (once booted to 10.1) strongly advised? Any
> downsides or dangers there?
> Some other info worth considering (production system):
> ZFS filesystem version 5
> ZFS storage pool version 28
> Thanks!
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