Unable to create ZVOL (error=6)

Nikolay Denev ndenev at gmail.com
Sun Oct 5 10:24:47 UTC 2014


I have a cron to generate daily snapshots like this:

    0 0 * * * root /sbin/zfs snapshot -r zfs/bhyve_volumes@`/bin/date

And I've noticed that I have the following errors in dmesg:

    ZFS WARNING: Unable to create ZVOL
zfs/bhyve_volumes/freebsd_amd64_10_stable at 00:00:00_05-10-2014

Snapshot looks ok, it's just that the ZVOL cdev is not created :

[12:11][ndenev at nas:~]%zfs get creation
zfs/bhyve_volumes/freebsd_amd64_10_stable at 00:00:00_05-10-2014

PROPERTY  VALUE                  SOURCE

zfs/bhyve_volumes/freebsd_amd64_10_stable at 00:00:00_05-10-2014
creation  Sun Oct  5  0:00 2014  -

Error 6 would be ENXIO.
I think this might be due to "volmode=dev" setting, as I've ruled out
name lenght, or invalid characters.


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