mdconfig via rc.conf

Warren Block wblock at
Wed Mar 5 05:19:17 UTC 2014

On Tue, 4 Mar 2014, aurfalien wrote:

> Hi,
> Apology for the cross post as I asked in the general questions list and also if this is not an appropriate question.
> But are there any other parameters I would need to setup a ram disk at boot time?
> I have this in my rc.conf;
> mdconfig_md100=?-t malloc -s 12G?

rc.conf is sourced, but not the place for code.

> I?ve opted not to mount or format it for now.
> But upon boot, I do not see the md100 device.
> Is there anything I need in rc.conf to enable this?

It depends on the version of FreeBSD.  On FreeBSD 10, it's easy to do 
with an entry in /etc/fstab, see fstab(5).  For earlier versions, I'm 
not sure of the best way.  There's /etc/rc.local, but may be more 
automated ways in the other rc scripts.

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