FreeBSD support being added to GlusterFS

Justin Clift justin at
Tue Jun 24 13:57:42 UTC 2014

On 22/06/2014, at 1:07 AM, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 04:19:47PM +0100 I heard the voice of
> Justin Clift, and lo! it spake thus:
>> I'm not familiar enough with the ports system in FreeBSD any more to
>> remember how to make it work there.  Hopefully someone else can help
>> with that too. 
> Attached shar of a quick&dirty port skeleton for it.  Not tested
> beyond building and 'make package'.  Note one patch for mount(2) args
> differing BSD/Linux.  pkg complains about how it links in python when
> making the package, but I dunno whether that would break it or not.

Thanks Matthew, that definitely helped.

Jordan Hubbard committed an updated version of that to the FreeNAS
repo yesterday:

It leverages a slightly later tarball, adjusted so mount(2) works :)
and the FUSE client doesn't crash.

Is that commit above usable for main FreeBSD as well?

Note though, that's an early pre-alpha version of GlusterFS v3.6, so
I'm not sure if it's suitable for inclusion in a "stable" repo? ;)

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

GlusterFS -

An open source, distributed file system scaling to several
petabytes, and handling thousands of clients.

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