ZFS auto online

Mark Felder feld at freebsd.org
Tue Jun 17 20:17:09 UTC 2014

On 2014-06-17 14:53, Sami Halabi wrote:
> Hi,
>  Waiting for zfsd and pray not help yet..
>  Is there any working devd script that can be used as a reference.

in my /usr/local/etc/devd/ I have a virtualbox.conf file with this in 

# zalman
notify 50 {
         match "system"          "USB";
         match "subsystem"       "DEVICE";
         match "type"            "ATTACH";
         match "vendor"          "0x0928";
         action "chown feld:feld /dev/$cdev";

This recognizes a zalman USB drive by its vendor ID when devd sees it is 
attached and runs that chown command. I'm sure you could tweak this to 
your needs.

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