i/o error - all block copies unavailable

Andrey V. Elsukov bu7cher at yandex.ru
Fri Jun 6 11:13:44 UTC 2014

On 06.06.2014 15:03, Michael Jung wrote:
> This system again is mirrored zfs-on-boot and I simply upgraded
> world/kernel this AM EST ~10:00 2014/06/05 and did a installkernel &&
> installworld and then
> gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptboot -i 1 ada0 gpart
> bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptboot -i 1 ada1

I guess it's a typo, but you should use gptzfsboot to be able to boot
from ZFS root.

> Which should be the correct index and rebooted and now.. well I'm
> *(&#&@
> The attachments are from booting a current release - same results
> from booting my daily builds ISO/IMG of work for10 stable.  The
> booted image does not see the ZFS Partiations.  I.E. zfs list show
> nothing.

You need to import the pool first with `zpool import zroot`, then you
will see it in `zpool list` and `zfs list`.

WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

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