i/o error - all block copies unavailable

Michael Jung mikej at paymentallianceintl.com
Fri Jun 6 11:05:11 UTC 2014


I have run into this issue before but dismissed it because it was the early days of ZFS 8.x 9.0.x
And simply reinstalled.

I have backups of my data <thank you tarsnap> but this is my home machine and I'd rather figure
this out that submit to a re-install.

For what it is worth I thought that my previous adventures with this was from updating zfs version
withought updating the boot loader and note that all my previous mis-adventures were on single
drive zfs on boot this however is not the case now.  This was my first upgrade of bootcode
from an clean install of 10-stable as of ~two weeks ago.  The pool was not upgraded but I applied
boot code anyway :-(

This system again is mirrored zfs-on-boot and I simply upgraded world/kernel this
AM EST ~10:00 2014/06/05 and did a installkernel && installworld and then

gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptboot -i 1 ada0
gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptboot -i 1 ada1

Which should be the correct index and rebooted and now.. well I'm *(&#&@

The attachments are from booting a current release - same results from booting
my daily builds ISO/IMG of work for10 stable.  The booted image does not see the ZFS
Partiations.  I.E. zfs list show nothing.

Any help to resolve this would be most appreciated - I find a lot of comments about this
Issue searching through Google but little as to how to resolve it.

Kind Regards,

Michael Jung

p.s. If the attachments are lost they are here:

GoPai.com | Facebook.com/PaymentAlliance

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