fdisk(8) vs gpart(8), and gnop

Steven Hartland killing at multiplay.co.uk
Mon Jun 2 20:45:51 UTC 2014

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Warren Block" <wblock at wonkity.com>

>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Nathan Whitehorn" 
>> <nwhitehorn at freebsd.org>
>>> I think we basically don't have any lying disks anymore. The ATA code does 
>>> a very good job of this -- most tell the truth, but in an odd way that gets 
>>> reported up the stack. ada(4) has a quirks table for the ones that do not. 
>>> If this is the only concern, then we should just stop telling people to 
>>> worry about this.
>>> My bigger concern is this pool upgrade one -- what if someone puts in a 4K 
>>> disk in the future?
>> Thats very much not the case I'm afraid, I try to add quirks for disk as
>> they are reported but there's always going to be quite a few which are
>> wrong until manufacturers stop making their FW lie :(
> Both gpart and diskinfo show the correct values in the stripesize 
> fields.  At least, I've yet to see it be wrong.  Maybe that is where ZFS 
> should be getting the blocksize anyway.
> (Of course, stripesize might only be correct due to the quirks you 
> mention, in which case... never mind.)

It is indeed because of the quirks we've manually entered I'm afraid :(


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