Say me, please, how I can transfer between servers ZFS-partitions larger than 20Gb.

DarkSoul darksoul at
Sun Jul 27 16:09:36 UTC 2014

On 07/27/2014 11:45 PM, Vladislav Prodan wrote:
> Say me, please, how I can transfer between servers ZFS-partitions larger than 20Gb.
> I have 4 partitions with backup data. There are a lot of small pictures.
> NAME                                   USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> tank2                                 1,42T  1,32T   118M  legacy
> ...
> tank2/ay-files                        31,9G  1,32T  31,8G  /backup/beastie/upload_ftp/ay/files
> tank2/XXXXXmarket-images               135G  1,32T   135G  /backup/beastie/upload_ftp/XXXXXmarket/images
> tank2/XXXXXmarket-uploads             17,6G  1,32T  17,5G  /backup/beastie/upload_ftp/XXXXXmarket/uploads
> tank2/YYYYmarket                      24,4G  1,32T   152K  /backup/beastie/upload_ftp/YYYYmarket
> tank2/YYYYmarket/uploads              24,4G  1,32T  24,2G  /backup/beastie/upload_ftp/YYYYmarket/uploads
> ...
> Say me, please, how I can transfer it at another server with ZFS.
> Servers are connected through unmanaged 100M switch.
> Sending via (zfs send) and (ssh host2 zfs recv) ends with error after 20GB of data.
> Sending via rsync is very lasting and requires often restart of rsync.
> What an alternative?

For the initial 20G upload, you could zfs send to a file, and transfer
that file via rsync or other resumable file transfer system that ensures
integrity :
host1# zfs send tank2/XXXXXmarket-images at snapshot >
tank2-XXXXXmarket-images at snapshot.zfs
host1# rsync tank2-XXXXXmarket-images at snapshot.zfs host2:

host2# cat tank2-XXXXXmarket-images at snapshot.zfs | zfs recv tank3

Then the rest can be done via small snapshots and plain zfs send | ssh
host2 zfs recv.
You could even add bzip2 compression and decompression at each endpoint.

This is what I am doing to replicate data of often updated filesystems
(mailbox filesystems, with LOTS of small files) between ZFS servers.


> -- 
> Stephane LAPIE, EPITA SRS, Promo 2005
> "Even when they have digital readouts, I can't understand them."
> --MegaTokyo
> -- 
> Stephane LAPIE, EPITA SRS, Promo 2005
> "Even when they have digital readouts, I can't understand them."
> --MegaTokyo

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