FreeBSD NFS client vs. Linux server

J David j.david.lists at
Fri Jul 25 04:18:50 UTC 2014


We observed the following odd behavior on a FreeBSD 9.2 client
connected to a Linux NFS server.  Basically, the FreeBSD user's
additional group memberships are not being honored:

$ ls -l

-rw-rw----  1 test2   test2     19188391 Jul 25 03:53 error_log

$ id -a
uid=123(test1) gid=123 groups=123,456(test2)
$ tail -1 error_log

tail: error_log: Permission denied

$ touch x
$ ls -l x

-rw-rw-r--  1 test1  test1  0 Jul 25 03:54 x

$ chgrp test2 x

chgrp: x: Operation not permitted

This is just NFSv3.  The FreeBSD client mounts with only the nosuid
option.  The Linux server's export options are

Does anyone what's going on here?  The same test works fine with
FreeBSD<->FreeBSD and Linux<->Linux.  Unfortunately I can't figure out
if this is on the FreeBSD side, the Linux side, or (most likely) just
a config error on my part.

Thanks for any pointers!

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