Lot more swapping in stable/10 with ZFS

Volodymyr Kostyrko c.kworr at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 10:29:07 UTC 2014

29.01.2014 09:16, Nagy, Attila написав(ла):
> On 01/28/14 17:33, Andriy Gapon wrote:
>> on 28/01/2014 17:37 Volodymyr Kostyrko said the following:
>>> 26.01.2014 12:06, Nagy, Attila wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Running stable/10 at r261157 (and earlier too), I've noticed that it swaps
>>>> much more than previous (stable/9) versions.
>>>> Current top output from such a machine:
>>>> Mem: 251M Active, 21M Inact, 7491M Wired, 118M Cache, 17M Buf, 51M Free
>>>> ARC: 5112M Total, 1455M MFU, 2155M MRU, 7761K Anon, 293M Header, 1223M
>>>> Other
>>>> Swap: 2045M Total, 757M Used, 1287M Free, 37% Inuse, 1280K Out
>>> Just a +1 from me:
>>> Mem: 1440M Active, 412M Inact, 5889M Wired, 82M Cache, 90M Free
>>> ARC: 3990M Total, 1981M MFU, 1505M MRU, 533K Anon, 79M Header, 424M
>>> Other
>>> Swap: 8192M Total, 1434M Used, 6758M Free, 17% Inuse
>>> This machine is up for 1+03:13:06
>> Guys,
>> could you please set sysctl vm.lowmem_period to zero (after a fresh
>> reboot) and
>> see if it makes any difference?
> # sysctl -a | grep lowmem_period
> vm.lowmem_period: 0
> (set from sysctl.conf)
> # uptime
>   8:15AM  up  1:05, 1 user, load averages: 0.25, 0.29, 0.30
> Mem: 468M Active, 127M Inact, 7168M Wired, 54M Cache, 16M Buf, 115M Free
> ARC: 5835M Total, 4364M MFU, 789M MRU, 16K Anon, 150M Header, 536M Other
> Swap: 2045M Total, 62M Used, 1983M Free, 3% Inuse, 1816K Out
> So not really.

I'll rather wait for a couple of days of run time as my load includes 
heavy disk usage at night and running a couple of VM's (VirtualBox) 
during a day. Probably VirtualBox is the root cause of high swap size 
because when starting/restoring a VM it allocates a lot of memory during 
a very short time period.

Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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