What types of SSDs to use.....

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at digiware.nl
Thu Feb 20 14:20:39 UTC 2014

On 20-2-2014 15:15, Steven Hartland wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Willem Jan Withagen" <wjw at digiware.nl>
>> On 20-2-2014 14:06, Steven Hartland wrote:
>>> The "disconnect" issue is generally related to Sandforce based devices.
>>> Its a lot better on later devices / firmware and does depend on the
>>> controller / MB they are connected to.
>> Any easy way to detect these? Or is it just a matter of reading the
>> specsheets? Hoping that the controller chipset is mentioned.
> Its worse that that, its literally a try it an see.

Seeing is:
	The devices just drops of the Sata-channel??

That is what happens with me with certain older Corsair stuff.


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