lockf(1) and NFS

Ivan Voras ivoras at freebsd.org
Fri Aug 29 21:05:41 UTC 2014

On 29 August 2014 22:59, Berend de Boer <berend at pobox.com> wrote:
>>>>>> "Ivan" == Ivan Voras <ivoras at freebsd.org> writes:
>     Ivan> I've tested the following patch and it works.  Any
>     Ivan> objections to committing it?
> That may fix some of the problems I have with NFSv4 (so still using NFSv3)!

Could be... but are you sure? This is a patch to the lockf utility,
not to libc or the kernel...?

I do think that if lockf has this problem there has to be other code
which also has it, but I've found that Linux's NFSv4 implementation
does exactly the same thing so most open-source programs should
already be fixed because Linux requires it also.

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