What happened with the GlusterFS port?

Jordan Hubbard jkh at ixsystems.com
Sat Apr 19 17:21:56 UTC 2014

On Apr 19, 2014, at 10:14 PM, Gary Palmer <gpalmer at freebsd.org> wrote:

> Building ceph 0.72.2 on FreeBSD is non-trivial by the looks of it due to
> too many non-portable Linuxisms.  Hope their porting effort moves forward.

I’ve tried.  It’s a long ways off from building and running on FreeBSD, and even with a rough port, there are certain features (the filesystem hooks) which we’ll have to either settle for as a FUSE port, which means somewhat less performance, or create the requisite shims.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like anyone in the CEPH project itself uses anything but Linux, which is probably key.

- Jordan

P.S. Hey Gary, gee, long time!

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