Strange lock/crash - 100% cpu with basic command line utils

Volodymyr Kostyrko c.kworr at
Mon Nov 18 13:08:49 UTC 2013

12.11.2013 14:28, Ivan Dimitrov wrote:
> Hello list
> This is my first time reporting a problem, so please excuse me if this
> is not the right place or format. Also apology for my poor English.
> Last month we started experiencing strange locks on some of our servers.
> On semi-random occasions, when typing `cd`, `ls`, `pwd` the server would
> crash and start behave strangely. Sometimes the problem is reproducible,
> sometimes all commands work as expected.
> All servers are Intel or AMD CPUs with FreeBSD 9.2 that netboot the
> latest kernel and load the OS in RAM.
> All our servers are using zfs with ssd for cache. Here is an example
> server:
> Also we tested out with preempted and non preempted kernel.

Latest kernel == GENERIC?

There were some compatibility issues with certain SSD drives, for 
example some OCZ drives would never work correctly on Dell servers. Can 
you post some hardware examples too?

Also last month means you were using some FreeBSD version before moving 
to 9.2?

Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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