Controller for ZFS

aurfalien aurfalien at
Thu Nov 14 15:51:49 UTC 2013

On Nov 14, 2013, at 4:59 AM, Tom Evans wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Borja Marcos <borjam at> wrote:
>> Do you recommend more recent firmware versions, though? I was playing with this for a while and it really
>> was tiresome to be loading different firmware versions.
> 100% agree on how tiresome it is! I was going from messages on this
> list, especially from Steven Hartland, who seems to know what he is
> talking about:
> and
> """
> The conclusion is LSI 2008 HBA with FW below P13 will eat the data on your SATA
> disks if you use WS16 due to the following bug

Well, as I understand in general one should match the fw with the driver.

So FreeBSD 9 uses v14 LSI driver, so one would flash v14 fw on the cards.

In FreeBSD 10 it looks as if its v16, so one would flash v16 fw.

In my tests in a 9 env, I can confirm that the systems runs better with v14 all around.


- aurf

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