Initial NFS Test: Linux vs FreeBSD (769% slower)

Gary Palmer gpalmer at
Thu May 2 23:08:21 UTC 2013

On Wed, May 01, 2013 at 09:19:28PM -0400, Rick Macklem wrote:
> Well, I looked at the packet capture and, for some reason, it
> repeatedly does a write of 1 byte to a file, followed by a read of
> that file, over and over and ... again. I have no idea why the
> app. does that.

It might be worth running the Linux Java under FreeBSD Linux emulation
to see if it is the app that is doing that or something in Java that
doesn't like the FreeBSD version for some reason.

Note that I have no idea how Java ports to different platforms work,
but the suggestion that it is doing something whacky makes me wonder.


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