Dell R710 with PERC H310. GPT issues and hardware raid or ZFS?

John freebsd at
Sat Jun 22 14:30:31 UTC 2013

Hello list,

I have a Dell R710 with PERC H310 using hardware raid5 with 4x3TB disks.
I tried installing FreeBSD-10 and it defaulted to a GPT partitioning
scheme. FreeBSD installed OK but, on reboot, it couldn't find the
kernel. I grabbed freebsd-9.1 and it offered me the choice of
partitioning schemes.

I had to change the partitioning scheme to "BSD partition" I think it's
called, in order to get a bootable install. The problem with this is
that this particular schema can only see about 1TB of space yet there's
about 10TB there.

Currently, writes are cached on the hardware raid. (Need to tune it up
because I left all settings at their default in the configuration
utility. If it does a lot of writes, it will stall as the buffer fills.)

I'm happy to let freebsd have this 1TB to itself if I can somehow get it
to seethe other 9TB. The purpose of the server is to run virtual boxes.

Hard drive array is seen like this:

mfi0: <Drake Skinny> port 0xfc00-0xfcff mem
0xddffc000-0xddffffff,0xddf80000-0xddfbffff irq 42 at device 0.0 on pci2
mfi0: Using MSI
mfi0: Megaraid SAS driver Ver 4.23

My questions are:

0. which is better? ZFS or hardware raid+UFS2?

1. should I use ZFS on top of the raid5? Guessing not.

2. should I blat the system and change the raid so it's a JBOD, then
make it do zfs?

3. what other methods can I use to make the existing install see
the rest of the space?

4. how come it could not read the kernel when the partitioning scheme
was GPT?Is it because it was raid5 in hardware?


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