RFC: Suggesting ZFS "best practices" in FreeBSD

Mark Felder feld at feld.me
Tue Jan 22 16:54:31 UTC 2013

On Tue, 22 Jan 2013 09:40:24 -0600, Kevin Day <toasty at dragondata.com>  

> I've looked at using an SSD for meta-data only caching, but it appears  
> that we've got far more than 256GB of metadata here that's being  
> accessed regularly (nearly every file is being stat'ed when rsync runs)  
> so I'm guessing it's not going to be incredibly effective unless I buy a  
> seriously large SSD.

Well, 512GB SSDs are less than $500 now (Samsung 830) but can't you just  
add multiple SSDs? AFAIK you can have multiple L2ARC devices and ZFS will  
just split the load between them.

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