ZFS sub-optimal performance with default setting

Patrick Dung patrick_dkt at yahoo.com.hk
Fri Jan 11 14:43:56 UTC 2013

Hi Tom,

To make it simple, I have setup in this setting:

Host: Intel dual core 3Ghz CPU, RHEL 6.3 x64, RAM 8GB

Freebsd 9.1 -i386 VM with these setting:
CPU: One
Memory: 2GB
5GB for OS (da1)
5GB for ZFS (da2), no separate ZIL

Installed software:
Postgresql 9.2.2 (compile from ports) /usr/local/pgsql is a ZFS dataset
OTRS 3.1.6 (compile from ports)
Apache 2 install from packages

zfs/postgresql/otrs/apache is in default setting, except I have turned off atime in ZFS.

I have run OTRS benchmark twice, below is the result:
Insert Time:     10000     12 s :-(     Should not take more than 5's on an average system.
Update Time:     10000     7 s     Ok
Select Time:     10000     3 s :-)     Looks fine!
Delete Time:     10000     2 s :-)     Looks fine! 


--- On Fri, 1/11/13, Tom Evans <tevans.uk at googlemail.com> wrote:

From: Tom Evans <tevans.uk at googlemail.com>
Subject: Re: ZFS sub-optimal performance with default setting
To: "Patrick Dung" <patrick_dkt at yahoo.com.hk>
Cc: "freebsd-fs" <freebsd-fs at freebsd.org>
Date: Friday, January 11, 2013, 1:08 AM

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Patrick Dung <patrick_dkt at yahoo.com.hk> wrote:
> I have tried some tests, good and bad result is in below..........
> I am sure there is some bottleneck, and the root cause is still unknown.

Hi Patrick

Correct me if I've made a mistake, but have you shown how you have
configured your ZFS setup? Number and type of disks, etc, mirrored,
raidz or raidz2? The output of zpool status and zfs-stats (from ports)
would be useful.


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