Problems Re-Starting mountd

Tim Gustafson tjg at
Thu Jan 3 00:11:08 UTC 2013


Our /etc/exports file contains two lines for each user (one export for
network "A", and one network for export "B"), and is about 3,200 line

Re-starting mountd takes several minutes:

/etc/rc.d/mountd restart

Re-loading mountd returns immediately, but new mounts are blocked for
the same duration of time, at least several minutes.

/etc/rc.d/mountd reload

Is there any way to speed up reloading the mountd configuration?  It's
so slow that we basically can't add exports during the day because the
reload takes so long that some users get failed mounts when they log
in during a reload.


Tim Gustafson
tjg at
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A

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