NFS + Kerberos

Rick Macklem rmacklem at
Thu Feb 21 23:18:04 UTC 2013

Momchil Ivanov wrote:
> On Thu, February 21, 2013 12:10 am, Rick Macklem wrote:
> > I would have thought kerberos was rebuilt for make buildworld. If
> > you
> use heimdal from somewhere else (ports or their distro), I don't think
> that needs to be rebuilt, since I don't think the ..pname_to_uid()
> function is a part of a generic heimdal distribution, but I am not
> sure.
> >
> > Be sure to change buf[128] --> buf[1024] in both:
> > kerberos5/lib/libgssapi_krb5/pname_to_uid.c
> > usr.sbin/gssd/gssd.c
> >
> > (Or paths close to that. I might not have remembered them quite
> > correctly;-)
> this change allows for yet another entry in the kdc log:
> 2013-02-21T17:03:43 TGS-REQ user at EXAMPLE.LOCAL from IPv4:X.X.X.X for
> nfs/srv.example.local at EXAMPLE.LOCAL
> 2013-02-21T17:03:44 TGS-REQ authtime: 2013-02-21T17:02:03 starttime:
> 2013-02-21T17:03:43 endtime: 2013-02-22T03:02:00 renew till: unset
> 2013-02-21T17:03:44 sending 612 bytes to IPv4:X.X.X.X
> which seems promising, but I still get:
> $ mount -t nfs -o nfsv4,sec=krb5i srv.example.local:/ /mnt/srv
> mount_nfs: can't update /var/db/mounttab for srv.example.local:/ nfsv4
> err=10016
> mount_nfs: /mnt/srv, : Input/output error
Error 10016 is NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC. This means that the server expects a
different security flavour (sys maybe) at some point in the mount.

I can't remember if you posted your /etc/exports file before, but
I suspect the file system referred by the root sepcified in the V4:
line isn't allowing krb5i. For example, if you wanted to mount the
file system rooted at /home by the above, you would need the following
2 lines in /etc/exports.

/home -sec=krb5i <host-or-network>
V4: /home -sec=krb5i

You can list other security flavours for -sec, but krb5i needs to be
one of them.

ps: Don't worry about the "can't update /var/db/mounttab". It is
    basically harmless and can be fixed by allowing the user doing
    the mount write access to it. If you don't do that, then the
    mount will still work ok, it will just generate the message.

> do you happen to have any other ideas?
> Thank you,
> Momchil

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