ZFS snapshot renames failing after upgrade to 9.2

Gerrit Kühn gerrit.kuehn at aei.mpg.de
Fri Dec 20 09:30:46 UTC 2013

On Fri, 20 Dec 2013 10:19:15 +0100 (CET) krichy at tvnetwork.hu wrote about
Re: ZFS snapshot renames failing after upgrade to 9.2:

Dear Richard,

KH> It is not a solution, but I use different snapshot handling
KH> mechanisms. I wrote a simple script which handles that, and the
KH> snapshots are named by its creation timestamp. I think it is more
KH> usable to see that when that snapshot was exactly taken, and the
KH> script thus only does snapshot creation, and deletion, no renames.

I see. I am using sysutils/freebsd-snapshot which does renaming for
Well, if there is not fix for this in sight, I will probably have to look
into a different snapshotting strategy and adopt backup scripts and stuff

KH> That scripts only limitation is that it is planned to run hourly,
KH> creating hourly snapshots, and when run again, it queries the existing
KH> one's list, and decides which to keep or remove. Thus you have to run
KH> it hourly in cron like:
KH> # crontab -l
KH> 0 *     * * *   /usr/local/sbin/zfs-snapshot

I think freebsd-snapshot does the same, so this would not change anything
for me. Thanks for the hint.


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