FreeBSD 9.0 NFS client to Smart OS NFS server: intermittently slow

Rainer Duffner rainer at
Wed Sep 26 16:11:11 UTC 2012


we've got a problem with a FreeBSD 9.0 NFS Client to a SmartOS server[1]
via Gigabit-Ethernet.
First, while the transfers where going over a lagg(4) interface, they
were abysmally slow (something like 1MB/s).
We've removed the lagg(4) interface and it's now just bce(4) and it can
write with about 20MB/s.

We have a Windows2008-server that mounts both the NFS-export and a
Samba-share that the server also exports and the Windows-server can
write with 50MB/s to the NFS-export and upto 112MB/s to the Samba-share.
So, I don't think it's an issue with the SmartOS server

I tried both NFS v3 and NFSv4, but it doesn't make any significant

Can this be fixed by "just" upgrading to 9.1?

It's FreeBSD 9.0 AMD64 running on HP DL3x0 G7 hardware.
The client is running some sort of Python Web-App where people upload
(larger) files - and the uploads usually "stall" the web-app if the
NFS-transfer is too slow.

[1] It's a stand-alone SmartOS installation booted from an USB-stick.

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