mfi0 timeout error zfs boot mount problem

Jurgen Weber at
Sat Oct 20 20:58:04 UTC 2012


Lastly, is there a way at boot time, some sysctl's or something I can 
set to bring zfs to a minimalistic state? Turn off features, etc to get 
this to mount?

Any ideas appreciated.


On 20/10/2012 9:02 AM, Jurgen Weber wrote:
> Guys
> Some more details on this, some insight would be greatly appreciated.
> As my day wore on trying to get this zpool to import or mount I have 
> learnt a few things. I think over time this issue has came about as 
> more and more data was added to the file systems.
> Some further details:
> Its a 8 disk raidz pool that the system boots from as well. The disk 
> are all 2TB.
> The server has 16GB Of RAM, I notcied the day before this happen the 
> server was struggling with its RAM griding to a halt and dumping its RAM.
> The issue is not hardware because I found another server (same one) 
> swapped the harddrives out took another 8GB of RAM and I have the same 
> problem.
> The main data file systems have dedup and gzip compression on.
> I have booted from open/Oracle Solars 11 adn attempted to import and 
> the Solaris live CD will not import either. In the Solaris system the 
> disk detach from the system.
> I get the feeling that ZFS is hitting some root limit when attempting 
> to mount and its not finishing the job.
> Thanks
> Jurgen
> On 19/10/2012 10:29 AM, Jürgen Weber wrote:
>> Team
>> I have googled around for a solution and I see a lot of posts about 
>> firmware versions and patches for FreeBSD 8.*.
>> I have a FreeBSD 9.1rc1 system, which was beta1 orginally and has 
>> been running for months.
>> Now it will not boot, I get the following:
>> "Trying to mount root from zfs:tank/root [].....
>> mfi0: COMMAND 0Xffffff8000cb83530 TIMEOUT AFTER xxx SECONDS
>> (this just repeats).
>> I have not seen this error before during normal runtime, _only_ 
>> during boot.
>> Originally when I had the problem I could boot off a USB stick 
>> (9.1beta1 or rc1), run a 'zpool import -f tank' and it would work on 
>> the livecd. Rebooting and the main system would work.
>> This time this work around does not work for me. When I am on the USB 
>> stick I can run a 'zpool import' and all of the disk are recognised, 
>> the pool is recognised and the file system is healthy.
>> The Card is a H700 PERC, with 12.10.3 firmware in a Dell R515.
>> Running FreeBSD 9.1-RC1, latest zfs and zpool versions.
>> I have tried disabling the cache (mfiutil cache xxx disable). I have 
>> also gone into the Card settings and changed under advanced settings 
>> "adaptive forward read" to "read only".
>> Any help, appreciated.
>> Thanks

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