[CFT] ZFS feature flag support for 9-STABLE

Martin Matuska mm at FreeBSD.org
Tue Oct 2 19:48:30 UTC 2012

Hello all,

ZFS feature flag support is ready to be merged to 9-STABLE.
The scheduled merge date is short after 9.1-RELEASE.

Early adopters can test new features by applying the following patch
(stable/9 r241135):

Steps to apply to a clean checked-out source:
cd /path/to/src
patch -p0 < /path/to/9-stable-zfs-features.patch

Alternatively you can download pre-compiled mfsBSD images for testing:

Standard edition (amd64):

Special edition with installation file (amd64):

Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Martin Matuska
FreeBSD committer

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