ZFS FAQ (Was: SSD recommendations for ZFS cache/log)

Eitan Adler eadler at freebsd.org
Tue Nov 20 16:18:23 UTC 2012

On 19 November 2012 23:59, Charles Sprickman <spork at bway.net> wrote:
> Wonderful to see some work on this.
> One of the great remaining zfs mysteries remains all the tunables
> that are under "vfs.zfs.*".  Obviously there are plenty of read-only
> items there, but conflicting information gathered from random forum
> posts and commit messages exist about what exactly one can do
> regarding tuning beyond arc sizing.
> If you have any opportunity to work with the people who have ported
> and are now maintaining zfs, it would be really wonderful to get
> some feedback from them on what knobs are safe to twiddle and why.
> I suspect many of the tunable items don't really have meaningful
> equivalents in Sun's implementation since the way zfs falls under
> the vfs layer in FreeBSD is so different.

I'm working in general on the FAQ, not just on the ZFS section.  I
don't have the time to go in depth on this. :(
I'll make you a deal though:
If you could work with ZFS folk and provide the content in Q&A form
I'll review it, turn it into docbook, and commit it.

The entire point my FAQ commits has been to get other people involved.
I can't do it all.

Eitan Adler
Source, Ports, Doc committer
Bugmeister, Ports Security teams

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