Why do we need vfs.root.mountfrom for zfs

Andriy Gapon avg at FreeBSD.org
Sun Nov 18 19:19:53 UTC 2012

on 18/11/2012 16:03 Aldis Berjoza said the following:
> I was wondering why oh, why do we need to set
> vfs.root.mountfrom in /boot/loader.conf in order to boot from zfs.

Who is 'we'?  And why do you think 'we' have to do that? :-)

> zpools have bootfs option.
> This info is redundant.
> I think one of two could be totally avoided at least in case when we boot form gptzfsboot.
> What I'm missing?

You don't miss anything.  The defaults work fine.  You don't have to set
vfs.root.mountfrom unless you want it to point to some non-default fs.

More details:
Page 17 and one.

Andriy Gapon

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