ZFS can't delete files when over quota

Bryan Drewery bryan at shatow.net
Sun Nov 11 16:18:26 UTC 2012

On 11/10/2012 5:06 PM, Steven Hartland wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Garrett Cooper" <yanegomi at gmail.com>
>>> Except this is not about being unable to rm because of EDQUOT (whether
>>> ZFS can do something about that or not I have no idea). This is about
>>> being
>>> able to remove just after truncation, which clearly shows that zfs
>>> can in
>>> principle remove this file on its own.
>>    You're probably right. My guess is that the fix would be to ignore
>> EDQUOT in the unlink VOP handler.
> The CoW nature of ZFS causes this issue, which is why UFS doesn't have this
> problem. Unfortunately given ZFS's snapshots there's no guarantee that
> truncating the file will result in enough free space to perform the unlink.
>     Regards
>     Steve

This is what I was initially thinking. I assumed ZFS unlink behavior was
smart enough to see that I had no snapshots and that it would really
trim the data immediately.

Having no idea how the internals of ZFS works, but a general
understanding, I could see this being non-trivial as well to not hurt


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