jailed NFS server

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at acm.org
Thu Mar 29 20:29:02 UTC 2012

On 2012-Mar-29 05:12:43 +0300, Beeblebrox <zaphod at berentweb.com> wrote:
>Maybe I will give unfs3 a try. However, One of the reasons I'm trying to
>set it up is to be able to run Tinderbox on that jail for distributed
>compiling. When I did a little searching about unfs3 + Tinderbox + jail, it
>came up with posts about problems and that such setup "does not give good

Whilst I've not used unfs3 on FreeBSD, I do use it on Solaris to allow
me to NFS export a (ZFS) filesystem from within a zone.  My experience
is that it works reasonably well, given its limitations:
- It's single-threaded.  This isn't an issue for me because there are
  only a couple of light users.  It would be useless as a server for
  more than that.
- There's no support for locking (lockd/statd).
- A user who has shell access to the server and can mount a filesystem
  via unfs3 can DoS the NFS server by killing the unfs3 daemon.

I did find it necessary to fix a number of bugs along the way.

Peter Jeremy
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