Overriding the zpool bootfs property from the loader?

Florian Wagner florian at wagner-flo.net
Fri Mar 23 14:01:39 UTC 2012

On Fri, 23 Mar 2012 13:12:45 +0000
Matthew Seaman <matthew at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

> On 23/03/2012 12:15, Florian Wagner wrote:
> > I've recently discussed more or less the same on this list. The
> > thread is called "Extending zfsboot.c to allow selecting filesystem
> > from boot.config" and available in the mailing list archives of
> > October, November 2011 and Januar 2012.
> > 
> > Summary: Andriy Gapon has a bunch of changes against head in his
> > avgbsd repository [1] which implement something like this. With his
> > help I've backported these to stable 8.
> > 
> > I've just recently gone over the work and put together a culminating
> > patch, which I've tested as extensively as possible in my at-home
> > environment. This is available as a Mercurial patch queue at [2] or
> > directly at [3].
> Yes, this looks like pretty much what I was asking for.  So, if I
> understand this correctly, given a root zpool named 'zroot' and a
> number of ZFSes with different boot environments ( zroot/ROOT/FOO,
> zroot/ROOT/BAR, etc.) I could interrupt the boot before the menu
> screen and just type at the boot: prompt --
>    zfs:zroot/ROOT/FOO:boot/zfsloader
> or
>    zfs:zroot/ROOT/BAR:boot/zfsloader
> to select different environments.  Is that right?  I'll give your
> patches a go over the weekend -- I'm on stable/9 though.

Actually the format is <POOL>:<DATASET>:<FILE> and <FILE> is optional
and defaults to /boot/zfsloader. So examples would zroot:ROOT/FOO: or

I think this is documented incorrectly in one of the commits in the
avgbsd repository. Obviously boot(8) should be updated correctly...

For reference, setup on my fileserver looks link this:

  $ zpool get bootfs root
  root  bootfs    root/boot-config  local
  $ mount | grep root/boot-config
  root/boot-config on /boot/config (zfs, local, nfsv4acls)
  $ cat /boot/config/boot.config 

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