ISCSI on zvols with two maschines. What needs to be done?

John jwd at
Tue Jul 24 00:40:47 UTC 2012

----- Gary Palmer's Original Message -----
> > > ----- dennis berger's Original Message -----
> > >> Hi folks,
> > >> 
> > >> The following question often comes to me, when I speak to my customers.
> > >> 
> > >> Is it possible to attach two systems to the same storage array using shared SAS and use istgt + zfs to provide 
> > >> a reliable ISCSI target. This could be active/passive or later active/active. In case it's not possible, what needs to be done?
> > >> 
> > >> The questions that came into my mind.
> > >> 
> > >> Can I connect two freebsd to the storage and boot them up? Just that both systems would see the physical devices. 
> > > 
> > > Yes, please see:
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > This is exactly how I would like to use it.
> > ---
> > Do I need to zfs import?! 
> This is the key bit.  What John suggests is that on system A you have
> poolA and on system B you have pool B.  Both pools have their own,
> separate, disks.  
> If system A goes down, system B notices this and imports poolA and shares
> out its iSCSI devices.  
> You have to be careful when system A comes back up that it doesn't
> auto-import the pool and negotiates with system B to get it back
> It may be easier to think of a situation where there is only 1 pool.
> In this situation, the two servers will be in active/passive mode,
> and the passive system will only ever take load if the active node
> goes down.  
> The important thing to remember is NO filesystem which is included with
> FreeBSD by default is cluster aware.  This means that two servers
> CANNOT both mount filesystems on direct-attached storage without
> corrupting the data on the storage.  The best you can get active/passive
> right now, where only 1 server mounts the filesystem at a time and
> the second server takes over in event of failure of the primary server.
> In this instance consider ZFS, even at the zpool layer, to be a
> filesystem.  Mounting the same zpool from shared storage on two servers
> at the same time will almost certainly lead to corruption and probably a
> restore from backup tapes.
> Gary

What Gary wrote about my comments is correct. Even with ZFS you'll end
up in trouble if you zpool import -f on both systems A & B.

However, if the OP wanted to do without ZFS or any other file or
volume management mechanism, individual drives could be exported
by istgt on both systems A & B.

Given systems A & B, hooked up with SAS interfaces to the shelves, da0
is the same disk on both A & B, then an instance of istgt could be
run on both A & B exporting the same drive.

The above leaves all filesystem layer responsibility to the initiator
who wants to mount the target (whether single or dual pathed).


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