NFS Problems

Tim Gustafson tjg at
Thu Dec 20 22:34:34 UTC 2012

> Yep. Using Kerberos for NFS is really orthogonal to NFSv4. The only
> reason some people tie the two together is that the NFSv4.0 RFC required
> support for RPCSEC_GSS (which is what sec=krb5 does). Although support
> for AUTH_SYS wasn't required I believe all NFSv4 servers do support it
> and I know it works for FreeBSD.
> Just do the mounts without sec=krb5 and you'll be using NFSv4.0 over
> AUTH_SYS (which is the old uid + gid list stuff NFS has always used).

Ok, I'm trying to go down this path, but I'm running into some
trouble.  For my test, I am using a FreeBSD file server and a FreeBSD
client.  On the server, in /etc/rc.conf, I have:

mountd_flags="-r -l"
nfs_server_flags="-t -n 128"

And in /etc/exports, I have:

V4: /export -network -mask

And then on the client, in /etc/fstab, I have:

server:/			/mnt		nfs	rw,nfsv4,late	0	0

I can mount /mnt with no problem, but when I change into that folder
and attempt to do anything, either as the superuser or as a regular
user, I get:

tjg at client: cd /mnt/home/tjg
tjg at client: touch foo
touch: foo: Input/output error

I know that it is "sorta" working, because if I attempt to cd to a
folder that doesn't exist on the server, I get a different error:

tjg at client: ls -al /mnt/home/tjg
total 0
tjg at client: ls -al /mnt/home/foo
ls: /mnt/home/foo: No such file or directory

I'm sure that I'm missing a basic configuration option, but I can't find it.


Tim Gustafson
tjg at
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A

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