ZFS compression doesn't work

Glen Barber gjb at FreeBSD.org
Mon Aug 27 23:48:32 UTC 2012

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 03:24:07PM -0700, Robison, Dave wrote:
> On 08/27/2012 15:15, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> > On 2012-Aug-27 23:51:06 +0200, antonin tessier <antonintessier at live.fr> wrote:
> >> I am trying to understand and use ZFS features. My issue is that compression doesn't work,
> Not sure what "compression=gzip" will give you. I believe you might be
> safer using "compression=gzip-6" or whichever value you want to use.
> gzip9 will be pretty slow if that's the default for "gzip".

zfs(8) states:

 compression=on | off | lzjb | gzip | gzip-N | zle
  You can specify the gzip level by using the value gzip-N
  where N is an integer from 1 (fastest) to 9 (best compression
  ratio). Currently, gzip is equivalent to gzip-6 (which is
  also the default for gzip(1)).

> I use lzjb because there isn't much advantage to gzip, at least in my
> experience, and lzjb is fast. I did some testing and didn't find a big
> space savings with gzip-6 or gzip-9.

gzip-9 will gain you almost no additional compression over gzip-6, and
will certainly cost more CPU cycles.  See gzip(1).


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