zvol + raidz issue?

Niki Hammler mailinglists at nobaq.net
Sun Aug 26 21:39:49 UTC 2012

Hi Freddie,

Thank you for the reply.

Am 26.08.2012 22:13, schrieb Freddie Cash:
> Please show the command-line used to create the zvol.

Nothing special:

zfs create -V 500g plvl1i0/zvtest1

> Especially the recordsize option.

I guess you mean the '-b' option? Because recordsize is only valid for
datasets, not for zvols.

> When using zvols, you have to make sure to match the
> recordsize of the zvol to that of the filesystem used above it.

With above, you mean the pool containg it or the file system which will
be created inside the zvol?

For the first case: This should match if no blocksize is explicitely given:

[root at zetta] ~# zfs get volblocksize plvl1i0/zvtest
NAME            PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
plvl1i0/zvtest  volblocksize          8K                     -

[root at zetta] ~# zfs get recordsize plvl1i0
NAME     PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
plvl1i0  recordsize            128K                   default

128K MOD 8K = 0, furthermore, 16 zvol blocks reside within one record of
the zpool.

For the second case: I access the zvol directly via
/dev/zvol/plvl1i0/zvtest (dd benchmark) so there is not yet a file
system on top. Furthermore, I use bs=2048k with dd which is again
divisible by volblocksize of the zvol and by recordsize of the pool.

> Otherwise, performance will be atrocious.

I understand. But still: What is the difference to a zpool with a single
drive or to a mirror? I do not have the problem there ...

Thank you.


> On Aug 26, 2012 11:50 AM, "Niki Hammler" <mailinglists at nobaq.net
> <mailto:mailinglists at nobaq.net>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Given: new HP Proliant Microserver N40L (4 GB RAM) and 3x2TB SATA drives
>     (SAMSUNG HD204UI, ST32000542AS, WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0).
>     Goal: RAIDz1 containg datasets and zvols to be exported via iSCSI.
>     Issue: When I create a zvol on a RAIDz1 I get horrible performance (few
>     MB/s or less).
>     First test: 500G zvol on a mirror (freshly created):
>     # zpool list
>     plvl1i0  1.81T  1.97G  1.81T     0%  ONLINE  /mnt
>     # zfs list
>     plvl1i0            500G  1.30T   112K  /mnt/plvl1i0
>     plvl1i0/zvtest     500G  1.78T  1.97G  -
>     # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/zvol/plvl1i0/zvtest bs=2048k count=1000
>     1000+0 records in
>     1000+0 records out
>     2097152000 bytes transferred in 17.318348 secs (121094230 bytes/sec)
>     #
>     Corresponds to 115,48 MB/s which is good (similar results for a single
>     drive).
>     Second test: 500G zvol on the 3x2TB raidz1 (freshly created):
>     # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/zvol/plvl5i0/zvtest bs=2048k count=1000
>     1000+0 records in
>     1000+0 records out
>     2097152000 bytes transferred in 700.126725 secs (2995389 bytes/sec)
>     #
>     which is only 2,85 MB/s.
>     Remark: Both pools are created with the force 4096 alignment option
>     (since I have 512 and 4096 drives mixed).
>     Now is the point where you might say the problem is related to the
>     raidz1. But it is not: I created a 500G dataset in the same RAIDz pool
>     and copied about 100G data onto it with rsync+ssh. Result: about 28MB/s
>     end2end performance which is reasonable.
>     Are there any issues with zvol + raidz1? Google resulted in empty result
>     set.
>     I run a minimal FreeBSD 8.2 (FreeNAS):
>     # uname -a
>     FreeBSD zetta 8.2-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p9 #0: Thu Jul 19
>     12:39:10 PDT 2012
>     root at build.ixsystems.com:/build/home/jpaetzel/8.2.0/os-base/amd64/build/home/jpaetzel/8.2.0/FreeBSD/src/sys/FREENAS.amd64
>      amd64
>     Regards,
>     Niki
>     PS: This is also posted on
>     http://forums.freenas.org/showthread.php?p=35590
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