Hang when importing pool

Marcelo Araujo araujobsdport at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 07:19:44 UTC 2012

2012/8/15 Karli Sjöberg <Karli.Sjoberg at slu.se>

> I´m willing to try anything at this point. Any longshots you have are most
> welcome, since it couldn´t get any worse:(
Dear Karli,

As you are willing to try anything, you can try it by your own risk, I'd
like just to point out that, you shall lost data.
You can try two different options and both of them are dangerous for your

1) Import  the pool in verbatim mode, even if there is any faulted vdevs,
this option treats the pool configuration as it is completed.
# zpool import -V pool | id

2) Used with the -F recovery option, try to import a non-importable pool
from an extreme rewind.
# zpool import -V pool | id

Once again, as an advice, use those 2 options above, only if you really
don't have any more ideas to solve your problem. Both of options can damage
your data, and you might never recover it once again.

Best Regards,
Marcelo Araujo
araujo at FreeBSD.org

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