cannot boot from HDD

John Baldwin jhb at
Tue Oct 25 18:08:20 UTC 2011

On Tuesday, October 25, 2011 2:04:00 am Alexandr wrote:
> 24.10.2011 21:29, John Baldwin пишет:
> > On Monday, October 24, 2011 12:34:57 pm Alexandr wrote:
> >> 24.10.2011 16:46, John Baldwin пишет:
> >>> On Friday, October 21, 2011 4:35:12 am Alexandr wrote:
> >>>> Hello!
> >>>>
> >>>> A few weeks ago I have migrated to a new laptop Lenovo B570 and I cannot
> >>>> boot from my HDD. At the start of the boot process HDD led blinks some
> >>>> times and boot continues from Network PXE. Bootloader from 8-RELEASE,
> >>>> 9-STABLE, and 10-CURRENT connot solve this issue.
> >>>> I am using a GPT scheme on my laptop:
> >>>>
> >>>> lenovo-b570# gpart show
> >>>> =>         34  976773101  ada0  GPT  (465G)
> >>>>             34        128     1  freebsd-boot  (64k)
> >>>>            162  976772973     2  freebsd-zfs  (465G)
> >>>>
> >>>> Now to boot my system I am using boottable usb-flash with Grub2
> >>>> installed. Choosing boot from HDD mbr starts boot my system.
> >>>> I discussed this problem in our local mailing list, but no success.
> >>>> The only way I see to resolve my problem at this time is to use such scheme:
> >>>>
> >>>> bios-boot (with Grub2)
> >>>> freebsd-boot
> >>>> freebsd-zfs
> >>>
> >>> Hmm, sounds like your BIOS doesn't like the PMBR and doesn't try to boot from
> >>> it as a result.  Have you tried updating your BIOS?  From a quick search it
> >>> seems even Windows can't boot from GPT on this box, but that a BIOS update
> >>> might fix that.
> >>>
> >>
> >> Yes, I have updated BIOS to the latest version, but no success. I found
> >> similar threads at freebsd forum:
> >
> > Hmmm, is the 0xee partition marked "active" in your MBR (if you look at the
> > disk with fdisk for example).
> >
> Yes,
> lenovo-b570# fdisk /dev/ada0
> ******* Working on device /dev/ada0 *******
> parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
> cylinders=15504336 heads=1 sectors/track=63 (63 blks/cyl)
> Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
> parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
> cylinders=15504336 heads=1 sectors/track=63 (63 blks/cyl)
> Media sector size is 512
> Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
> Information from DOS bootblock is:
> The data for partition 1 is:
> sysid 238 (0xee),(EFI GPT)
>      start 63, size 976773105 (476939 Meg), flag 80 (active)
>          beg: cyl 1/ head 0/ sector 1;
>          end: cyl 975/ head 0/ sector 63
> The data for partition 2 is:
> The data for partition 3 is:
> The data for partition 4 is:

Hmmm, I recall certain BIOSen a long time ago that had a whitelist of valid
MBR IDs.  Maybe you can try changing the 0xee to another type (like one used
for FAT) and patching your kernel to treat that type the same as 0xee so
that GPT will still attach ok.  You'd have to look in sys/geom for anything
that looks for 0xee in an MBR and update it to accept either 0xee or your
new test id.

John Baldwin

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