[ZFS] Using SSD with partitions

Damien Fleuriot ml at my.gd
Tue Oct 18 11:27:41 UTC 2011

On 10/18/11 5:53 AM, Patrick Donnelly wrote:
> Since people have asked about more details for my system:
> It uses old desktop hardware with 5 1TB WD Caviar Blues in a raidz
> configuration with 1 of those drives being a hot spare (4 1TB drives
> in the raidz). The system currently has 2 GB of RAM IIRC.
> I've been using NFS to access the data on my home network which has
> worked pretty well. Writing to NFS over my VPN from across the country
> is really bad which is one of the reasons I wanted to use a SSD for a
> ZIL. read/write performance overall tends to be bad though so I don't
> really know how much it will help. After fiddling around with NFS
> settings for a long time I soon gave up and instead use SSH when
> outside a LAN. That's another matter though and off-topic. :)

This is going to sound a bit rude, my preemptive apologies.

Just where did you get the notion that changing your bike's tires would
make your car run faster ?

In what world does your *storage* configuration affect your *network*
latency and performance ?

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