backing up zfs dataset

Johannes Totz jtotz at
Sat Nov 12 15:12:58 UTC 2011

On 11/11/2011 20:40, Xin LI wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 8:36 AM, Johannes Totz<jtotz at>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> To back up a zfs dataset there are a few possibilities:
>> 1) rsync file data to another machine
>> 2) zfs-send to another machine, into a zfs dataset
>> 3) zfs-send to another machine, dumping the stream to a file
>> The first one works alright but you loose admin info, properties set on the
>> dataset, etc
>> The second is prefered but requires another machine which runs zfs.
>> The third is bad.
>> So far I have been doing (3), for daily short-term backups, works, tested,
>> everything is peachy. However, I dont like it anymore for obvious reasons.
>> Ideally, I would like to go with (2). But I dont have another zfs-capable
>> machine, or the machine that I would like to backup onto will not ever run
>> zfs.
>> So I came up with another crazy idea, assuming the remote machine exports a
>> block device (somehow):
>> 4) zpool-attach the remote block dev as a mirror, let it resilver, offline
>> it during the day, at night online it, resilver, and so on
>> 5) create a pool on the block dev locally on the to-be-backed-up-machine and
>> periodically zfs-send stuff over
>> I would go for (4), it seems to be the mostly automatic.
>> Any thoughts on this?
>> Should I expect things to go titsup if there's network issues?
> I think this is not a good idea.  Could you please try if zstreamdump
> would fulfill your need?

How do you mean? I didn't have a chance to test it yet but from looking 
at examples online, it dumps the stream-headers. Should I be trying this 
in combination with rsync to preserve properties? I could just pipe zfs 
get all to a file. However, restore should be as automatic as possible. 
This is where (4) would be quite nice: I could just dd the remote block 
dev into a new HDD.

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