Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) and FreeBSD

Jeff Licquia licquia at
Tue May 10 03:48:17 UTC 2011

(Sorry if this isn't the proper list for this discussion.  If not, 
please point me in the right direction.)

The Linux Foundation's LSB workgroup has taken over maintenance of the 
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, and is working on a number of updates 
needed since its last release in 2004.

Despite all the "Linux" in the names above, we're wanting to make sure 
that the FHS remains independent of any particular UNIX implementation, 
and continues to be useful to non-Linux UNIXes.

My question to you is: do you consider the FHS to be relevant to current 
and future development of FreeBSD?  If not, is this simply due to lack 
of maintenance; would your interest in the FHS be greater with more 
consistent updates?

If you are interested, consider this an invitation to participate. 
We've set up a mailing list, Web site, etc., and are reviving the old 
bug tracker.  More details can be found here:

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