ZFS v28 for 8.2-STABLE

Šimun Mikecin numisemis at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 22:10:42 UTC 2011

29. 6. 2011., u 23:31, Jeremy Chadwick <freebsd at jdc.parodius.com> napisao:

> BTW, whenever you nuke src, you should probably nuke the csup (or cvsup
> in your case; not sure why you're using that) CVS "database" as well.
> For csup, this lives in /var/db/sup.  For cvsup, this lives in /usr/sup.

Would using svn (svn.freebsd.org repository) instead of csup be a
better solution?
Which repository (svn or CVS) is master, and which one is replicated?

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