request for review of exports.5 update

Tom Evans at
Tue Jul 12 11:29:39 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Bruce Evans <brde at> wrote:
> BTW, does anyone know a good way of not seeing duplicates in commands
> like "zgrep -r wrt /usr/share/man"?  find(1) doesn't seem to have any
> flag to suppress duplicates.  du(1) has to know how to not count
> duplicates internally.  I think it as special code for this and there
> is no special support for this in fts(3).  Recently I have been annoyed
> by duplicates under .svn.  I want to type a simple grep -r or
> "find . | xargs grep" without any complicated pattern for the file names
> and not see multiple copies.
> Bruce

This probably won't help in this case, but I use ack [1] to search
source. It's smarter than grep, it knows not to look at VC files or
directories, object files, etc. Its written in standalone perl [2], so
you can just drop it in your ~/bin. Your pattern can use all of PCRE,
and it knows all about lots of different file types, eg "ack --hh"
will just search headers.

It won't help in this case though, since it doesn't know how to look
inside gzipped files.



[2] curl > ~/bin/ack && chmod 0755 !#:

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