"rpc mount export: RPC: Can't decode result" when export list is to long

Andrey Simonenko simon at comsys.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua
Mon Jan 31 13:45:29 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 04:17:10PM +0100, Mickael Canevet wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for you quick answer.
> I tested with 'sysctl vfs.nfsrv.maxthreads=20' and even 'sysctl
> vfs.nfsrv.maxthreads=1000' (though I'm not sure it's reasonable), but I
> still have the problem. Moreover, sysctl vfs.nfsrv.threads stays to 4
> (maybe it goes up, then down before I can notice anything)...
> I noticed that if I wait a few minutes, showmount -e works once, then
> fails again.
> Somebody has another idea ?

When one runs "showmount -e server", then this program sends the MOUNT
protocol's procedure EXPORT RPC request to the server and it generates
the answer.  The mountd(8) program is responsible for MOUNT protocol
requests, so the kernel part of the NFS server is not related to the
problem you've described.

I can reproduce this mistake on 8-STABLE and 9-CURRENT with mountd(8)
and nfse [1].  These implementations are different, and looks like that
I've found and corrected the problem for RPC services that use TCP non-
blocking sockets.  At least after my update I do not see this mistake
neither with nfse nor with specially written program (I wrote it to
reproduce the problem and to minimize impact of possible other mistakes
in mountd or nfse).

See my next messages for details.

[1] http://nfse.sourceforge.net/

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