NFSv4.1 status

Julian Elischer julian at
Mon Dec 12 02:43:14 UTC 2011

On 12/11/11 8:37 AM, Rick Macklem wrote:
> Hi,
> I thought I'd post to let anyone who is interested know what the
> status of NFSv4.1 is. First off, the slides here give you an
> overview of where the vendors are:
> You'll notice that FreeBSD isn't mentioned, which is fair, since no
> NFSv4.1 support is in FreeBSD9.0. However, I now have the basic NFSv4.1
> client support written and lightly tested
but Panassus and Netapp were.. have you talked to them about interactions
between your code and theirs when the time comes to merge?
> For releng9:
> For head/-current, there is an up-to-date source tree at:
> It does not include any pNFS support at this point, but I'm am just starting
> to work on that and hopefully will have something for the file layout soon
> and hope to get to test it against various servers at the NFSv4 Bakeathon in June.
> rick
> ps: There has been no work done yet on a FreeBSD NFSv4.1 server as far as I know.
Pannassus (how DO you spell that?) and netapp must have that part 
worked out.
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