ZFS hangs with 8.2-release

Dan Pritts danno at internet2.edu
Fri Dec 9 20:35:28 UTC 2011

You don't have to go with FreeBSD 9.x to try and solve this problem.
You can simply upgrade to FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE (you are running
8.2-RELEASE right now). ZFS has improved/changed between those 8.2

I upgraded to 8.2-STABLE last night.   (8.2-RELEASE-p3 it calls itself) 
using freebsd-update.

Unfortunately, things are worse.

Scrubbed a pool; the system crashed 17 minutes in.

Rebooted, let it continue the scrub, crashed 34 minutes in .

screenshot from the first crash: 

Still can't dumpon to my mpt device so no crash dump. If it would be 
useful I can hook up a USB drive to get a dump.

Does FreeBSD 9 have further ZFS improvements vs 8.2-STABLE?


Dan Pritts, Sr. Systems Engineer
office: +1-734-352-4953 | mobile: +1-734-834-7224

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