ZFS dedup and replication

Peter Maloney peter.maloney at brockmann-consult.de
Thu Dec 1 13:15:42 UTC 2011

On 12/01/2011 11:20 AM, krad wrote:
> On 28 November 2011 23:01, Techie <techchavez at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there any plans to implement sharing of the ZFS DDT Dedup table or
>> to make ZFS aware of the destination duplicate blocks on a remote
>> system?
>> >From how I understand it, the zfs send/recv stream does not know about
>> the duplicated blocks on the receiving side when using zfs send -D -i
>> to sendonly incremental changes.
>> So take for example I have an application that I backup each night to
>> a ZFS file system. I want to replicate this every night to my remote
>> site. Each night that I back up I create a tar file on the ZFS data
>> file system. When I go to send an incremental stream it sends the
>> entire tar file to the destination even though over 90% of those
>> blocks already exist at the destination.. Is there any plans to make
>> ZFS aware of what exists already at the destination site to eliminate
>> the need to send duplicate blocks over the wire? zfs send -D I believe
>> only eliminates the duplicate blocks within the stream.
>> Perhaps I am wrong..
>> Thanks
>> Jimmy
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> Why tar up the stuff? Just do a zfs snap and then you bypass the whole
> issue?
I was thinking the same thing when I read his message. I don't
understand it either.

On my system with 12 TiB used up, what I do in a script is basically:

-generate a snap name
-make a recursive snapshot
-ssh to the remote server and compare snapshots (find the latest common
snapshot, to find an incremental reference point)
-if a usable reference point exists, start the incremental send like
this (which wipes all changes on the remote system without confirmation):
        zfs send -R -I ${destLastSnap} ${srcLastSnap} | ssh ${destHost}
zfs recv -d -F -v ${destPool}
-and if no usable reference point existed, then do a full send,
        zfs send -R ${srcLastSnap} | ssh ${destHost} zfs recv -F -v

The part about finding the reference snapshot is the most complicated
part of my script, and missing from anything else I found online when I
was looking for a good solution. For example this script:
found on this page:
was found to be quite terrible, and would fail completely when there was
a new dataset, or a snapshot missing for some reason. So I suggest you
look at that one, but write your own.

The only time my script failed is when there was a zfs bug; the same one
seen here:
so I just deleted the clone manually and it worked again.

I thought gzip could save a small amount of time, eg.
I compared speed
of "zfs send ....                           | ssh zfs recv ..."
to "zfs send ... | gzip -c | ssh 'gunzip -c | zfs recv...'"
and found not much or no difference.
But I have no idea why you would use tar.

And just to confirm, I have the same problems with dedup causing severe
bottlenecks on many things, especially zfs recv and scrub, even though I
have 48 GB of memory installed and 44 available to ZFS.

But I find incremental sends to be very efficient, taking much less than
a minute (depending on how much data was changed) when it runs every
hour. And unless your bandwidth is slow and precious, I recommend
sending more than daily, because it is very fast if done often enough. I
send hourly because I didn't have time to work on some scripts to clean
up the old snapshots. Otherwise I would do it every 15 min or maybe 15
seconds ;)

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Peter Maloney
Brockmann Consult
Max-Planck-Str. 2
21502 Geesthacht
Tel: +49 4152 889 300
Fax: +49 4152 889 333
E-mail: peter.maloney at brockmann-consult.de
Internet: http://www.brockmann-consult.de

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